Tourism and Cultural Heritage grantees Benchmarking event in Kwale County
On January 29, 2025, the Tourism and Cultural Heritage (TCH) component grantees gathered at the Kaya Kinondo Sacred Forest in Kwale County for a benchmarking…

Camões' Site Visits to Tourism and Cultural Heritage Beneficiaries in Kenya’s Coastal Counties
Between October 29th and November 25th, 2024, the Tourism and Cultural Heritage (TCH) Project Manager of the Go Blue Kenya Project and the component’s…

Enhancing search and rescue: interagency training to save more lives
In a coordinated effort to enhance maritime safety along Kenya's coast, Expertise France, with financial…

Kenya Coast Guard Service strengthens ties with coastal communities through community engagement days
Over the past weeks, the Kenya Coast Guard Service (KCGS) has held a series of community…

African Pro-Poor Tourism Development Centre (APTDC) stakeholders meeting in Kwale County
On April 23rd, 2024, the African Pro-Poor Tourism Development Centre (APTDC) organized a stakeholder meeting at the Modern South Hotel Diani. The objective of…

The Mombasa Tourism Innovation Lab holds a graduation ceremony for Tourism innovators at Swahilipot Hub, Mombasa
On May 20, 2024, the Mombasa Tourism Innovation Lab, an initiative by GDI and Swahilipot Hub, hosted a graduation ceremony for tourism innovators from the…

The Tourism and Cultural Heritage Blueprint integrated Governance meeting in Taita Taveta
The Go Blue stakeholders gathered at the Avid Hotel, Voi, on May 7th 2024 for the integrated governance meeting in Taita Taveta County to kick-start discussions on monitoring,…

Tourism and Cultural Heritage Blueprint Integrated Governance meeting in Kilifi County
On May 15th, 2024, the Go Blue project Tourism and Cultural Heritage Blueprint County Stakeholders Forum—Kilifi Chapter was convened by Jumuiya Ya Kaunti Za Pwani at the Kenya…

The Go Blue project holds its 2nd Steering Committee meeting
On 21st March 2023, key Go Blue Kenya stakeholders came together for the 2nd Go Blue Kenya Steering Committee meeting. The Steering Committee meeting was to undertake a…

The Kenya Tourism Board visit to the Mombasa Tourism Innovation Lab sub-grantees
Mombasa Tourism Innovation Lab hosted representatives from the Kenya Tourism Board – Fiona Ngesa, Muriuki Murithi, and Josphat Mbatha to explore the diverse tourism products…

Navigating the waves: coxswain training for Kenya's coastal guardians
Expertise France, in collaboration with the Kenya Fisheries Service (KeFS) and with financial support from the European Union, is organizing during April and…

Securing Kenya's maritime spaces: the role of the Kenya Coast Guard Service Operation Centre
In a world where maritime trade is vital and coastal security is challenged, the Kenya Coast Guard Service (KCGS) serves as a model of teamwork and unity.…